Are you looking to expand your credentials, meet continuing education requirements for your professional designations, or just looking to learn more about what you can do to be greener?

Education has been a fundamental part of our mission since our founding in 2010. Our team includes subject matter experts in all areas of sustainable design, recognized as leaders in their respective fields. Our credentials include LEED & WELL faculty, GPro certified instructors, and Climate Reality Leaders.

We offer LEED, WELL, Climate Action & general sustainability presentations from an hour to week long intensive trainings as desired. We can customize our workshops to fit your schedule and address specific needs upon request. Our courses can be delivered online, in person or hybrid format.

We have taught sustainability courses for professional development for various organizations, at Colleges and Universities, as guest speakers at national and international conferences, and for the K-12 school sector.

Some organizations we have provided training for include the US Green Building Council, International WELL Building Institute, Urban Green, the Department of Energy, USGBC-NJ, NJ School Board Association, American Institute of Architects, Professional Society of Engineers, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Montclair State University, Penn State University, Rowan University, Stockton University, Bystol Meyer Squibb, Merck, Chubb Insurance and more.

Download our course catalog.

If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact us to develop a custom course for you or your organization’s needs.